Month: March 2023


註冊安全主任 (全職每月由 HK$25,000起 兼職另議) 助理安全主任 (全職每月由 HK$20,000起 兼職另議) 安全督導員 (全職每月由 HK$18,000起 兼職另議) 制定安全計劃書 (每份由 HK$4,000起) 各類職安風險評估 / 意外調查 / 改善建設服務 (另議) 金屬棚架、工作台驗棚及簽棚紙(每次HK$450起) 制定安全計劃書(另議) 意外調查(另議)

Safety Officer

Advising management as to measures daily activity of safety and health for construction site  Inspecting the workplace to identify potential hazards and reporting the findings to management with recommendations for…